
The Association’s bylaws empower the Executive Committee to:

  • manage the affairs of the Association on behalf of the membership, including, but not limited to, the management of any Association rights provided by its collective agreements or by the PEI Labour Act, the management of the collective bargaining process and the management of the grievance and arbitration processes as defined by its collective agreements;
  • carry into effect all resolutions of the Association which are consistent with the Association’s obligations under provincial and federal statutes, its collective agreements and its bylaws;
  • at its discretion, appoint individual Members to positions within the Association, positions on joint Employer/Association committees and positions on other University committees as may be established from time to time, including, but not limited to: Chief Grievance Officer; Grievance Officer(s); Chief Negotiator(s); members of the Negotiating Team(s); the Communication Representatives; the Speaker; the CAUT Council Delegate; the NUCAUT Delegate; the UPEI Health & Safety Steering Committee Representative; the members of the various University Health and Safety Committees; the members of the Employer/Association Joint Committees; the Joint Benefits Management and Advisory Committees; and the Board Pension Advisory Committee;
  • oversee the Association’s financial matters;
  • oversee the work of all standing and ad hoc committees;
  • oversee the work of grievance officers and negotiating teams;
  • create ad hoc committees as required from time to time in furtherance of the objectives of the Association and appoint all members and chairs of such committees;
  • appoint the chairs/co-chairs of all standing committees;
  • fill vacancies on standing and ad hoc committees that may arise; and
  • be responsible for all personnel matters related to Association employees.


FA RoleNameDepartment & ContactTerm
PresidentAndrea BourquePathology & Microbiology
[email protected]
May 20, 2024 –
May 10, 2025
TreasurerLarry HaleBiology
[email protected]
May 20, 2024-
May 19, 2025
Member-at-LargeStephanie HamiltonCompanion Animals
[email protected]
May 11, 2024 – May 10, 2026
Member-at-LargeCezar CampeanuMathematical and Computational Sciences
[email protected]
May 20, 2023-
May 19, 2025
Member-at-LargeBarry LinkletterChemistry
[email protected]
May 20, 2023-
May 10, 2025
Member-at-LargeRebecca Reed-JonesApplied Human Sciences
[email protected]
May 20 2024-
May 10, 2025
Member-at-LargeKatelyn BrowneLibrarian
[email protected]
May 20, 2024-
May 19, 2026
Executive DirectorMargot Rejskind[email protected]
Professional Officer/Office ManagerAshley Hansen902-566-0438
[email protected]