This is a generalized category for publishing executive committee reports
I’m pleased to welcome you to the 2022 UPEIFA Annual General Meeting (AGM). It has certainly been an eventful year and the next year shows no signs of disappointing. So with that let’s get going. I’d like to begin by highlighting the important work of FA members who has volunteered their time to keep our…
This year, the following FA Members served on the Social Committee: In an effort to build relationships and solidarity across campus, the UPEIFA Social Committee typically organizes regular events for our membership throughout the academic year. Given COVID-19 protection measures, we once again had significantly less events than in past years. The events we did…
This year, the following FA Members served on the Communications Committee: For much the year, the committee provided support for collective bargaining preparations. This included generating stock pictures and video for use in future communications. In addition, committee members provided support for the “We Are UPEI” campaign in the lead up to collective bargaining. Now…
The Awards and Scholarships Committee oversees awards and scholarships that are sponsored and co-sponsored by the Faculty Association, as well as the events celebrating FA award recipients. As Co-Chairs, we are assisted this year by committee members Cora Gilroy, Susan Graham, Krishna Thakur, Raquel Hoersting, and Armin Bodaghkhani. During a virtual FA Time on April…