
We are disappointed to report that we have been unable to reach an agreement with our employer with the support of a mediator. After three (3) days of negotiations, the UPEI Board of Governors provided us with a time sensitive final offer. Because the UPEIFA Executive Committee did not believe that the Board’s offer made meaningful movement to address FA members’ significant concerns, the FA Executive Committee voted unanimously to not recommend the final offer to our

We appreciate UPEIFA members and UPEI students turning out this morning to support our bargaining team as they began their first day of mediation. We look forward to working with our employer to reach a fair and reasonable agreement! We also want to acknowledge Minister Bloyce Thompson’s (Economic Growth, Tourism, and Culture) willingness to support the parties in reaching an agreement. The Minister’s letter appointing the mediator is available here [PDF]. While we hope the mediator is able

A preface to Day 18’s Dispatch from the Line: Strikes are a stressful and chaotic experience for everyone, but our members have managed to find moments of joy and laughter amidst it all. One unexpected source of glee has been … oranges. Or rather, satsumas, as we’ve learned they are called. Sourced from Akhroma Inc., a local grocery store next door to our strike office at 92 Capital Drive, they are absolutely delicious and we