
Please note: The UPEIFA Office will be closed on August 18th and reopening on August 28th. Emails to the FA office will not be checked and will be responded to after August 28th. If you have an urgent matter, please contact Margot Rejskind (FA Executive Director) at [email protected]

All Union Letter

All-Union Letter 8.10.23Download

The following message is being distributed by the UPEI Faculty Association, CUPE-1870, and CUPE-501.On Wednesday, July 19, union representatives from the UPEI Faculty Association, CUPE-1870 and CUPE-501 met with Interim President Greg Keefe and Interim Vice President People and Culture Sue Connolly to discuss the steps that UPEI Administration is taking to implement the recommendations in the Rubin Thomlinson report [PDF]. In the meeting, union representatives were told that that: UPEI Administration will continue scheduling targeted town halls for

The following reflections were submitted by Dr. Ian Dowbiggin, Professor of History and Classics. My earliest memories of Richard Kurial, who passed away on June 30, 2023, date back to the time in 1993 when he moved into the history department office across the hall from me in SDMB. As most of the UPEI community know, Richard not only taught U.S. history, but also served as the first president of the UPEIFA and Dean of