Strike Update

Yesterday, FA members walked out of their classrooms, laboratories, and offices to facilitate a negotiated settlement to address the systemic issues that continue to threaten the educational quality of our institution. Seventeen years to the day since FA members last collectively withheld their labour as part of a meaningful process of collective bargaining, FA members made it clear that the stakes for our students and our institution are simply too high to miss this moment.

Friday Flying/Driving Pickets & Rally

For the duration of the strike, every Friday colleagues from across the country will be flying/driving to PEI to stand with us on the picket line.

We’ll also be organizing a rally where FA members, students, and members of the community can show their support for reaching a negotiated settlement to end this strike so we can return to our classrooms! More details soon!

Media Coverage

 On the first day of the strike, there was significant media coverage in the region and across the country. Here is a recap:

Social Media

For updates on the strike and negotiations, be sure to follow us on social media:

With everything going on yesterday, you might have missed the fact that yesterday was also the first day of spring. As we begin our transition from the dark days of winter to a season of new beginnings, it’s hard not to see our job action as the first step in a similar process.

Together, we can do this!


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