Dear FAbby, a play on advice columns such as Dear Abby, will be a standard feature in the Microfibre. FAbby will answer questions that members pose about the collective agreement, members’ rights, or the context of work at UPEI. Here is the first installment.
Dear FAbby,
I have recently heard that a member was disciplined for something posted on their personal social media. Can the administration really do that?
Dear Member,
What you have heard is not true, so help us to stamp out that rumour. Thanks! But here is some information. All UPEIFA members – faculty, sessionals, librarians, CNIs, veterinary professionals – have academic freedom rights enshrined in our collective agreement (CA). Academic freedom provides you the right to teach and research in ways that you think suitable, but to do so
responsibly. Academic freedom also grants you the right to criticize the University (intramural speech) and to comment upon and criticize subjects external to the University (extramural
speech) within legally defined limits. Such a limit would include hate speech.
For more, see:
If the administration attempts to discipline a member for the reason in the rumour, or for any reason, the FA will be involved (see F6 in the CA).